Category Archives: FDAD

One Small Step…

While I might not be flying to the moon or changing the World, on Friday I took another step towards my dream of achieving a Bachelor of Arts degree. I have been accepted onto the Foundation Diploma in Art and Design (FDAD) at West Dean College starting in September 🙂

Putting the portfolio together was quite a challenge for me, partly because my non-felt pieces are few and far between, making it difficult to select pieces that I thought were either good enough or had a story to tell, and then there were the decisions about order and layout…

While there are plenty of sites offering an opinion on how to create a portfolio for interview there aren’t many examples of actual portfolios so I thought I would share mine in case it is useful to other wanna-be students, not that my portfolio is a beacon to be followed but it was good enough to gain entry to a foundation diploma.

Drawing with non-dominant hand

Drawing with both hands

The most useful piece of advice I was given prior to my interview was to only include pieces in your portfolio that you feel comfortable talking about, i.e. why did you include it?