Classes by Location

Trying to find felting classes near you? You’ve found the right page! The classes are ordered by location from north to south Auckland. Please click on the links for more information about each class including dates and times.

All classes are suitable for beginners unless otherwise stated.

Complex resists (not suitable for beginners)

Felted pods / vessels

Nuno-felted cowl

Stable Bag (not suitable for beginners)

Felted Pebble Mat / Trivet

Felted Flower

Felted Hand Bag

Felted pencil / glasses / sewing case

The “Envelope” hat

Journal cover with magnetic flap and pencil holder

These classes are available once a year please follow the “contact us” link at the bottom of the page if you would like to receive a reminder email just before registration opens.

These classes are completed in the comfort of your own home, allowing you to work at times that suit you.

Concertina hats

Felted bags and cases