Category Archives: exhibition

You are cordially invited….

I spent yesterday felting with the lovely ladies from Sonning (IFA region 5) and will be taking part in their exhibition on Sunday 2nd November. If you are in the area I would love to see you there. We are also looking for fellow felters to join us for a fun day of felting once per month; if this is of interest please let me know.

I am feeling rather pleased with what I managed to complete yesterday (there was a LOT of chat about the forthcoming exhibition which ate into my felting time 🙂 ). I have been wanting to make a felted top for a long time and finally managed it… and best of all, it actually fits!

I plan to wear this at the exhibition next month so if you want to see me modelling it you will have to come along! ;o)

I also managed to make a lattice scarf using the technique taught on Fiona Duthie’s surface design course. I plan to dye this later in the week but can’t decide between green / orange or blue / brown…

And finally a couple of samples from Fiona’s class…

The piece on the left is destined to become a brooch while the other 2 have felt cuff written all over them.

Cranleigh Show

I spent this Saturday with my local Guild of Spinners Weavers and Dyers on their stand at the Cranleigh Agricultural Show. They have a stand there each year and demonstrate a mixture of spinning and weaving (dyeing is a bit impractical). I went along hoping to sell a few of my felted items and get to know some of the guild members better. I didn’t sell anything but I was taught to spin by the lovely Jo, she made it look so easy and I’m sure I made it look unnecessarily difficult. But in my defence you are trying to control 3 different elements simultaneously (keeping the foot treadle going so it spins in the right direction, thinning out the roving with your right hand while holding and feeding the thinned roving with your left), all far too much for my tiny brain to cope with!

This is the outcome of my labours…. a bit chunky and uneven (I call it “art yarn” ;o) ) but at least it has not unravelled.

Rosemary also attempted to teach me how to use a drop spindle. This was a little easier but my results were a tad disappointing. I clearly need more practice…

Here is our West Surrey Guild of Spinners Weavers and Dyers. You can just about make out a couple of my felt handbags hanging on the back wall of the tent. We were busy like this all day.

And a few more photos from the rest of the show.

Another bonus from this trip was picking up my first fleece to scour and prepare for felting (2 fleeces in fact), I’m afraid I forgot to take pictures while I was working on the first one but here is the second one (a Jacob) all neatly bundled up.

And partially unfolded, the sides are still folded in. The neck of the fleece is on the left. I was rather pleased to find it was mostly white wool (it’s much easier to dye different colours).

I spent this morning cutting off the dags, picking out bits of grass and dead bugs and separating the colours into separate buckets ready for scouring. It was nice (if a bit smelly) to be sitting in the sun playing with my fleeces.

I noticed on my first fleece that I still have small waxy lumps in the fleece even after soaking in detergent overnight and rinsing. Those of you who have scoured your own fleeces – do you have a preferred detergent or method for getting rid of the build up of lanolin?